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The Federal Procurement Center – under the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) – has a critical mission to support the 9.7 Million Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) throughout the Nation in gaining access to and succeeding in performing Government contracts.

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What Works News U Can Use Newsletter - April 2023

As Founder of Open Government TV, CEO of KDM & Associates, LLC and Operator of the nation's only MBDA Federal Procurement Center, this edition of the What Works News U Can Use attempts to clearly outline the chronology of our work over the past year to make ‘A Better World for Minority Businesses to Do Business in Africa and Around the Globe’. Our Team Approach: To increase the number of MBEs which grow revenues as successful Federal contractors, and to mitigate financial risks for small Minority Businesses capable of engaging in International Trade.

In this edition, we report developments built on the initial podcast program, led by our Behavioral Learning Director Timothy Maurice Webster in Dubai for the International Trade Administration's WELLTI Summit 2022 – thanks to the sponsorship of our MBDA FPC client Zillion Technologies, Inc.  The WELLTI Summit, held in conjunction with Trade Winds 2022, afforded women business owners the opportunity to connect and access resources for doing business in the Middle East and Africa.

Then came the Africa Trade Summit 2022 in December – where we witnessed and advanced the commitments made by our Nation's leaders including our Commerce Department Under Secretary Don Cravins Jr., and Deputy Secretary Don Graves.  As a part of our podcast series, listen to our podcast here as both Commerce leaders share comments at the historic December 2022 Africa Summit in Washington DC:

And now, one year later, we find ourselves supporting the MBDA and International Trade Administration leadership as part of our commitment to advance Executive Order 13985 and the growth of Minority businesses which are primed to successfully engage in doing business in and with Africa.  We believe it is time, and from some perspectives of National security, overdue.  But we are here now, locked, loaded and fully committed – as we announce and launch the new digital infrastructure supporting our ‘What Works Online’ MBDA Federal Procurement Center platform currently in Phase I of its development. Please visit www.mbdafpcenter.com

Look out for The World Trade Connect, our Ag Connect, and our algorithmic engagement, education and empowerment online services (thinking about the plight of Minority farmers) that will support an unprecedented future of success for small emerging Minority-owned businesses who can win more contracts in the Federal government and internationally than any other time in our Nation's history.

And finally, in this edition, we give you the opportunity to SAVE THE DATE for October 17th-19th for the 4th annual ‘Innovation in Agriculture and Energy Opportunity Zone Summit 2023’.  Get your tickets early and this year is the year you will absolutely want a front-row seat!  Great Work to Our Team Approach – Let's Keep it up for What Works!

From KDM & Associates CEO, and MBDA FPC Operator – Keith D. Moore


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